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Jul 25, 2019


Writing an effective resume can be a daunting task. It can be especially hard when most resumes have a tendency to get tossed around, compared to others, and looked at for mere seconds. So, we made a short summary of what you need to include & exclude in order to write an effective resume. 
While there are countless rules (mostly made up), on what a resume should or shouldn’t include, there is one thing that is universal. It needs to catch the recruiter’s eye. A resume might be the only glimpse a company will get of you before an interview. So, it is crucial to make it appealing. 
Now the word “appealing” may mean different things to different people. So, let me preface by saying that this is NOT the time to get creative. An appealing resume to a recruiter means that it does not contain twenty different fonts, unnecessary graphics, or is spaced out in an illogical way. No need to panic, there are plenty of free & easy resources to use which have customizable resume templates already made. My personal favorite is Canva
I like resumes that stand out. Resumes are a first impression and a great way to brand yourself. I clearly remember certain resumes based on their formatting.   

– Natalie Spray, Professional Recruiter
 A resume paints a picture of you. It shows an employer what you’ve accomplished or perhaps, what you’ve lacked to accomplish. It’s probably a telltale sign to a recruiter that if your resume is disorganized, you are too. Therefore, it is vital to make sure everything is neatly in its place.
It is not uncommon for a recruiter to sift through hundreds of resumes in a day. So, making sure your resume sticks out as easy to read and gain information from is very important. One simple way to do this is to clean up and detail your job responsibilities section. Recruiter’s oftentimes look for keywords in a resume through sourcing databases. If the information is not found, the resume will most likely be overlooked. Here is a great resource for verbs to use to spice up your resume.
Be sure you write it right though.
Forget organization though, your resume may be disregarded completely if it contains typos, poor grammar, and exceeds two pages. This is obvious, but one typo is all it takes for your resume to end up in the trash. If you happen to find yourself with a rather lengthy resume, remember that including only your relevant employment history is the most important. Likewise, not every job you’ve ever held is resume worthy material.
Like most things, your resume’s information should be listed in terms of most important to least important. It doesn’t make sense to list that you excel in time management directly below your name. Instead, list the vitals. Name, contact information, objective, education, and job experience is all top priority information a recruiter is seeking.
If you are sending a resume in response to a job posting, make sure that it reflects the skills and experience relative to the position posted. Similarly, your objective statement needs to clearly state the purpose of the resume and should be revised to reflect a job posting. 
Although showcasing your college involvement in intramural Frisbee is awesome, this type of information should never be the focal point of your resume. It is rather meant to enhance your resume, not steal precious space from your work experience section. Depending on how much relevant work experience you have will determine how much space you can use to list extras in your resume (awards, achievements, volunteer work, softskills, etc). 
Applying these tips & tricks can make writing an effective resume much more feasible. Don’t forget to check out our blog for more employment tips.
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