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Jul 10, 2019


There are a lot of unknowns when it comes to recruitment, leaving quite a mystery for those who are undecided as to if they should utilize this industry or not. 
So, we decided to tackle some of the presumptions and frequently asked questions surrounding the big wide world of recruiting in hopes of providing a better understanding of what recruiters do and how they can benefit your job search.
Before we dive into all the great ways a recruiter can help your job search, it’s important to understand what they do in the first place. So, If you’re into sports at all, you’re probably familiar with the whole idea of recruiting talent for a team. Coaches will hype their players up to recruiters in hopes they get a shot at a collegiate or professional sports career.
Likewise, recruiters for the more business realm of careers (also referred to as contingency recruiting) operate in the same way. They’re essentially your (the job seeker’s) hype man/woman for a potential employer. While doing most of the nitty gritty work for you, they are also coaching you through the process on what you can do on your end to improve your chances of success. 
In addition, they supply you with insider info, what to prepare for, and even help you through the negotiation process so that you don’t get manipulated by the corporate food chain. Not to mention recruiters have the resources to get your resume in front of the right people, put in a good word for you, and act as a built-in sales person.
If you’re potentially going after a job in a larger organization, you’re going to get lost in the shuffle. It’s a known fact that resumes are hardly ever returned to the correct person, especially in large businesses. Using a recruiter is like buying insurance on your resume. You know that during the delivery it could potentially get damaged, lost, or even thrown out. No need to stress, using a recruiter increases the likelihood of your resume getting to the right person on time. 
Job search led me here, now what?
Recruiters also qualify you for the job, letting you know if you would be a good fit and if you even meet the requirements of the job before wasting any time. This is a much quicker, more efficient process compared to doing it solo. 
A lot of recruiters also work within a niche, making them experts in the field in which they are placing candidates who may possess a very specific set of skills. Additionally, they have already jumped through the hoops with employers and know exactly what they are & aren’t looking for. As a result, this paves the way to you succeeding with less push back, making it a win win.
If you’re still unsure about the whole recruitment thing, that’s OK. However, think about it this way; recruiters invest into your success because it directly affects their success. Majority of recruiters only get paid once you get placed, so the incentive for them to help you is huge. 
How would you feel knowing someone is literally fighting for you to get a job? I think it’s a pretty cool concept if I do say so myself. If you’re still feeling a little iffy, you may want to consider your network. Using a recruiter means you can network on a much larger scale and you stay in that recruiter’s database. This means that you will potentially have access to more job opportunities down the road.
Want to know more about how WorkSmart Direct recruits? Visit our website for more info. While you’re at it, don’t forget to check out our blog for all things employment related. 
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